Bit Che Serial Number

You can look for the serial number:

  • On your device
  • Near the barcode on the original packaging
  • On the original product receipt or invoice


Bit Che Serial Number

The serial supports serial communication between the BBC micro:bit and another computer. Basically, this allows you to send data from the micro:bit to your own computer. This is very useful for debugging purposes: you can add write line statements in your code and see them display on your computer as the program executes. The code below shows a simple script that sends a line when the. To find your part number (PN), stocking ID, or serial number (SN) for Intel® Networking Products, see the example below. The Serial Number is a combination of the MAC Address and Part Number. Example: Use the bolded portion of the MAC address (ignore the first six numbers): 001B21 5CFD4C.

Solo Pro


Expand your headband and look at the slider above the left earcup.

Other Beats headphones

Expand your headband and look at the slider above the right earcup.

Bit Che Serial Number

Beats EP (after July 2017)

Beats EP (prior to July 2017)


Beats Studio Buds

Beats Flex


Powerbeats Pro

Powerbeats3 Wireless

Check the cable between the left and right earbuds.


urBeats, Tour, and Powerbeats2


Serial Number Check

Pill and Pill 2.0

Check the rubber strip on the bottom of your speaker.


Pull back the rubber strip on the back of your speaker and look above the USB port.

Pill XL

Pull back the rubber flap covering the ports on the back of your speaker. The serial number is printed on the inside of the flap. It begins with RAVE, followed by more letters and numbers. Learn about the Beats Pill XL speaker recall program.

Find your serial number using your iOS or Android device

To find the serial number of your Beats product when it's connected to your Android device or paired in the Beats app for Android:

Bit Che Serial Number Search

  1. Open the Beats app.
  2. Scroll to 'Under the hood: Serial number.'

Bit Che Serial Number Lookup

To find the serial number of your Beats product when it's connected to your iOS device, go to Settings > Bluetooth, and tap the 'i' icon next to the name of your Beats product.