Strength In Math
For each report card period, teachers usually write descriptive comments for every student. These written remarks elaborate on the student’s strengths, and frequently offer ways the child could improve his or her academic work and/or classroom behavior. Writing unique and meaningful report card comments. Feb 10, 2013 - Report Card Comments Problem Solving Gr6.docx. In 2021, we are focusing on developing our free report card comments bank. Feedback and support. Support@schoolreportwriter.com Notes:.we usually reply the same day.add this address to your contacts, check your spam folder.if emailing from a school, your firewall may block our replies.
Maths Strength And Weakness Comments For Report Cards 2019
- __ is a creative writer.
- __'s writing has a refreshing sense of voice, clarity, and style.
- __ has a strong command of the English language.
- __'s stories lack a clear beginning, middle, and end.
- I would like to see __ check his/her own writing more carefully before handing assignments in.
- __ often forgets capital letters and punctuation.
- __'s writing is clear, organized, and interesting to read.
- __ organizes his/her writing well, but needs to add more details to his/her works.
- __'s writing is creative, but often has many errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
- __ enjoys writing in his/her free time. I always look forward to reading his/her stories.
- __ has difficulty getting his/her thoughts down on paper in a timely manner.
- __ puts a great deal of time and effort into his/her writing.
- __ did a wonderful job on his/her __ assignment.
- While __ is a creative writer, he/she needs to work on creating stories that are realistic.
- __ has difficulty focusing on the assignment at-hand during writers' workshop.