Although Princess Maker 2 was released for DOS, this life sim game was only for Japan. An English translation was planned and got pretty far. However, that was cancelled due to a lack of interest in the market, the market shifting from DOS to Windows by the time the translation was completed, and a couple of bankruptcies along the way. How to Download. Posted on: 2013-07-30 by SmileyFangs15. To download the game, you press the big red button saying 'get it';D. Also, from the videos I've seen, the game looks promising and one of the games I will like:3. Rating it 4 because I don't want to rate 5 when I haven't played it myself yet.
- Princess Maker 2 Mods Undertale
- Princess Maker 2 Dos
- Princess Maker 2 Download
- Princess Maker 2 Refine Cheats

So! Without anymore waiting. Here we go.
Openingscreen: When you begin to type in your daughters name, just press a bunchof keys at once, till it's all filled up. Suddenly it'll zip pasteverything and now you have a daughter named Olive Oyl, who is born onApril 2nd and is very keen at fighting, and lousy at magic. Thisworks for the english beta, not sure for any other version.
Magicaltraining:When finally maxed out in magic, you will get to a point where you cango no further. There are two solutions to this ordeal. Haveyour daughter do 3 magic's in a row, without a vacation. Fay willshow up and announce herself in a very ... enthusiastic tone, and grantyou the power to to raise one of your three skills ( Magical skill, MagicalAttack, Magical Defense ). You can do this 2 times, then she doesn'tshow up again if you pull that stunt again. The 2nd way is a bitmore difficult. Your daughter has to be very charismatic and extremelysensitive ( at least near or over 200 points worth ). In the forest,there is a pothole you can go through, to another area. If your daughterisn't very sensitive, she'll comment on how it's the great Oak tree ofthe Elves. If she's sensitive, an Elf will be there asking if youwant to trade your Combat Skill for magic points. If you agree, he'llgive you +5 on all three skills, and take 5 points of your Combat skill(and you can't get them back either, no matter HOW hard you train.) However, he'll run away if you're carrying Iron ( A sword or any type ofmetal weapon or armor, with the exception of the Mithral armor and theWar gods sword/ Valkira's sword).
Mapof the Eastern Forest
The numbers will be in example to the tricksand tips there.
Forest: In the forest area there are several hidden features about it, since itseems to be the most magical of the 4 areas to adventure in. First(Number 1on the map) you'll notice this structure in the furthest east on the map. You can sleep there at any time, and if your daughter is sensitive enough,fairies will appear and grant your daughter an abundant amount of cookingskill, plus her stress will go down to 0.
Here and near Number 5you can use the Unicorn Horn. The Unicorn Horn is something you wouldobtain through the Traveling Salesman (The 'Chinese Orc'). Choose to camp and then select the use item option. Use it. She'll state that nothing happens. Then when you sleep, the nextday a Unicorn will approach you and ask about the horn. Apparentlythis horn was part of his friend, and questions you on how you obtainedit, etc. If you give it to him, he'll give you 50 points of Sensativity,but if you do not... He'll take away HALF your sensativity. Manythanks to Alex Cheong and Linda Harper for explaining the use of the UnicornHorn in this game.
South of that, there is an area you can wander into that is a dead end,and has a bunch of trees (Number 5). Sleep there at night ( Only when it's dark outside ) and other fairieswill visit you, but this time your art will go up, but your constitutionwill go down a few points, plus stress will go to 0 also.
Youcan meet lots of creatures in the forest... one of them is the Wildcat. When you meet her, you can attack her. One of them carries an itemcalled the 'Catseye' that is a treasure of the Wildcat tribe, and you cantrade it to Ket Shi, their god in 2 different adventure areas ( Not inthe forest, but the Glacier and the Desert ). Another pointless note...totally off the Princess Maker 2 subject in general. In Final Fantasy7, the correct pronunciation of 'Cait Sith' is Ket Shi. And sinceKet Shi is a sort of God of the Cat tribe and can use his fairy powerson you, and Cait Sith in FF7 is a fortune teller machine, it makesit kind of interesting to make this sort of connection. However,I digress...

Princess Maker 2 Mods Undertale
Now, last but notleast you may discover this one by accident... there is this enclosed areaon the upper left portion of the map (Number4), when you find a way in there (Theentrance is in the deep pit. This is Number3 on the map), you may encounter the firstof 3 tough bandits and some items. Those items are 250G and AncientMilk (which helps with weight loss of your daughter.) The first bandit'sname is Venezaro. This isn't like the other enemies where if youdon't win, Cube will just carry your off... he does some mean things toyour daughter if he isn't defeated, so it's a good idea to go to him prepared. If not, love for Cube will shoot through the roof and she'll end up marryinghim O_o;;; If you choose to accept the bribe from him, he offersyour daughter 80G. Should she take this, your daughters Sin willgo up 50 points. If you defeat him, you will get Leather Armor and30 gold. Defeating this guy will raise magical or fighter reputation(Depending on what you beat him with) 30 points and you'll receive a prizeof 500G ^_^.
Mapof the Western Desert
The numbers will be in example to the tricksand tips there.

Desert: The Desert area is probably the most ethically dangerous area out of the4. That is because there is a devil living out in the middle of ito.o;;; You'll come across a cave with a sign called 'Demons Abode'(Number 4on the map). If your daughter chooses to camp there, your daughterwill wake up facing a demon party, and the Prince of Darkness (Lucifon...yeah, i think it may have been a typo in my version o.o) offers your childthe chance to raise one of her skills ( Constitution, Strength, Intelligence,Refinement, Charisma, or Refuse) If you refuse nothing happens to her,but if you don't refuse, she'll gain more of the aforementioned skill ofchoice, but her sin goes way up, and her faith goes down.
Something else interesting about this area, is that you can trade in theDemon Pendant that you would buy from the wandering salesman. Thisis what can happen. At the mouth of the cave to Hell, you wanderin. Normally if you don't have the Demon Pendent, he'll tell youto get lost and you'll be pushed out of the cave. However... shouldyou have the item on you, he'll ask you if you want to trade it for theCirce's Charm. If you say no, he'll ask to buy it for 1000. Again, if you say no, he'll then up the price to 1500. If you sayno the final time, he'll attack you. I'm pretty sure if you lose,he'll take the item from your inventory. If you say yes to his originaloffer... you get The Circe's Charm, which is... Magical Attack upped 10points, Refinement upped 100, Charisma upped 100, but your Morals are takendown to 0 points.
Another area is the far upper left desert. You'll find an oasis theresitting in the middle of nowhere (Number2 on the map). Now if you aren'tcarrying the Spirit Ring, she'll glance at the lake and gain more sensitivity. If you do have it though, a spirit will pop out of the water and ask yourdaughter for the ring. If you say yes, she'll thank you and yourrefinement goes up 50 points. About a year later, her daughter willshow up to your doorstep, thanking your daughter, and her sensitivity willgo up 100 points, PLUS she'll leave 2000 gold for you. Now if youthink about that you only paid 1000 for it in the first place, this definantlyis a good deal. If you say NO however... the spirit will curse youfor being a wreched human, and you will lose half your sensativity. For example, say you have 999 Sensativity, you'll lose 499 of it. Or even if you have 100, you'll lose 50, etc. It's all just a simplemathmatical equation. Not giving her the ring isn't really a goodoption. Unlike most give or take situations, just give her the ringfor crying out loud.
As I mentioned before about the Wildcat tribe and Ket Shi, the first areato actually encounter him is here (Number3 on the map). He doesn't appearunless you have the Catseye though. He'll ask you to exchange itfor one of 4 things, Increase Height, Lower Height, Lower Weight or nodeal. This works out for people with daughters who complain theywant to be a little taller. Other than saying 'That's nice dear,what am I supposed to do about it?' you can actually do somethingabout it now ^_^ That house is located far west in the desert, nextto a graveyard. The place is called the 'House of the dead' I believe. You can do this several times. He does rememberyou if you encounter him again with another catseye.
You'll also come across the Dragon Ruins right smack dab at the centerof the desert (Number 1). Your daughter will have to travel through them to get to the other partsof the desert. One way, to the center you'll encounter a Dragon demandingthe toll. Normally you can pay this, and everything is fine. If you pay it at least once, it can get you in store for better endingslater. In the center is an old dragon. If she'stoo young, he'll tell you to get lost because it's no area for kids. If she returns later however, he'll give you the Dragon Tights and commenton your daughters' figure. If you defeat the Dragon Guard the secondtime around, depending on how old you are.... you may get a young dragonat your doorstep a few months later proposing marriage! The olderdragon will try to sway you for your daughters hand with 10,000 gold. Which if you're in the red for money, this will make her live easier forthe rest of her days, however... well, she'll marry the Dragon Youth. If you disagree, her refinement goes up. If you agree, you get themoney but I think her morals go down. She will end up marrying himregardless of what career UNLESS she already has preset one of the otherspecial endings, like Marrying Cube, the Father ( That's right, she canmarry YOU! ) and of course, the Prince.
Mapof the Southern Lake
Princess Maker 2 Dos
The numbers will be in example to the tricksand tips there.

Lake: The lake area is a bit harder than the other two areas, because the creatureshere aren't as friendly and will attack sometimes regardless of how sensitiveyour daughter is. There are similar secrets here as there are inthe forest, being that it's a magical place. The artistic dancinglike fairies that give Art but take Constitution are along one of the firstislands that is between rocks (Number 1). Just camp there at night and bam, there you go. The cooking fairiesare a bit further away. Completely south on the map, then east. There will be this island with nothing to it, you have to find a pathwaythrough the water, and there is a giant red flower thing on the island(Number 2). Get the treasure chest (Fairy Nectar ) and sleep there, you'll get theones that increase cooking skill, and kill stress.
The second criminal is there as well, Bloodrose Vanesta. He's a bittougher than Venezaro. Just make sure you win. Remeber thatthe criminals also don't just APPEAR when you enter the area, you may haveto wander around for a day or so. He tries to bribe your daughterwith 200 G (Which will make her sin go up 50 points). Defeating himwill gain you Chain Mail armor and 286 G. When you get back to townyou get 30 of Fighters or Magical Reputation and 1500G.
One of the final minor secrets along the river is somewhat like the forestagain, you'll encounter an enemy called the Fishman. If you defeathim, one will be carrying a Mermaids Tear. When you go on a paidvacation at the beach, you will meet a Mermaid and she'll offer you a prayer. Sensitivity goes up.
Mapof the Northern Glacier
The numbers will be in example to the tricksand tips there.
Glacier:Other than the amount of cool items you can find here, there aren't thatmany secrets at all. There's another hut for Ket Shi ( That wouldbe the igloo at the far left, south map section. Number2 here ).
There is one last Bandit/boss type character here, his name is HurricaneCalisto and is tougher than the other two combined! Woo, better bewearing armor against this guy. He's in the empty house (Number3). Normally it would say 'No oneis here...', so just keep trying to go into it over and over again untilhe appears. He will try to bribe you with 500G. Once defeatedyou gain Mithral Armor + 386 gold. Back in the city you gain 30 Fightersor Magical reputation and 5500 G. Now, take note here - if you takeon several adventures in a row and take down ALL the bandits in one monthperiod, you will still gain the total of 5500G, but you will ONLY gain30 reputation for the three. My suggestion would be to take themdown in individual months, that way you get the full amount of reputationavailable to you.
There is also a row of stairs that go up and up and up (Number4). They go to the war god. Yes, you can fight and defeat the war god if your child is kick ass enougho.o; Then she will meet her god/protector. They will give youa skill in which they are most suited for (Example, Venus is god of love,she gives the daughter 100 points of Charisma. It is different forevery god, and it may be more then just the one shot of 100, they couldgive 100 in two skills, or so.) It's rather neat to see that, andyou get a really neat sword if you do ^_^
Okay okay, now you're thinking 'I've been through the game SEVERAL timesand my daughter can never be kick ass enough because she sucks in everything!' Mainly that is because of money, right? Well, I've got cheats forthat too :) :) :)
All stuff cheat: Go into your Princess Maker directory on your computer, and open up thepm2.cnf file with a simple editor like notepad, or even word. When in there, on the line after the last item (There will be about3 or so ) type on a separate line by itself
Princess Maker 2 Download
MOPI = 1
Princess Maker 2 Refine Cheats
Then when you gointo the town area, holding f10 now you have Mad Eddy's, and the Beta Shop. Beta Shop let's you test endings, to see what they need... and Mad Eddy'syou can get oodles of money, and hard to earn items for a special price^_^ Also, I've heard that if you don't want to edit the file, youcan get the same effect by holding down F12 R and N and Q at the same time. Then it'll give you that option for that game. It won't be a perminantthing that you'll see every time you play, unlike the MOPI = 1 edit.